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Main Content

Have you ever felt intimidated or uncomfortable in a conventional gym or fitness environment? If so then the brand new Halo Toning Suite circuit workouts at Hereford Leisure Centre is perfect for you! The first thing you'll notice is the friendly atmosphere and the relaxing, spa like surroundings.

How does it work?

Everyone uses the same equipment, for the same amount of time. Workout sessions are a time effective 30 minutes. The 30 minute circuit offers a work out which exercises all the major muscle groups. The entire circuit is equipment based so there are no awkward or embarrassing moments where you have to jog on the spot or perform sit ups in between.

The Halo Toning Suite uses power assisted exercise equipment, rather than resistance based equipment found in most traditional gyms. With our equipment, you get the best workout by working WITH the machine NOT against it!

There is no queuing for equipment as you book a time slot to suit you. As the exercise circuit is pre-defined, you simply turn up and start on the first machine then move to the next.

You do not require any special clothes.

Power assisted exercise - what’s that all about?

In a few words it’s all about exercising the entire body but without arduous effort! It has been called “stress free exercise” as it provides a far more relaxing workout than the high impact, heavy sweating gym environment.

Unlike a conventional gym, the equipment does not rely exclusively on muscle power. The equipment is power assisted so you work with the machine not against it. Because it is power assisted, it can be used actively or passively, so the person next to you has no idea whether you are trying you hardest or having a bit of a breather! If you need to take a quick rest, the electronically powered equipment will continue to move you, making it the perfect choice for anyone coming back to exercise after periods of rest or inactivity, including those with mobility/health issues. It is also the choice for many discerning exercisers who believe in the ‘work smart, not hard’ philosophy for exercise. 

Who is it for?

The equipment has been designed so that it can be used by everybody, anyone 18years +, mobility, weight or fitness level.

This workout is suitable for those needing a solution for a range of different needs and conditions such as mobility, obesity, high blood pressure, back pain, joint problems or replacements, Stroke, MS, ME, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, Fybromyalgia, Arthritis and many more.

It is the perfect choice for anyone coming back to exercise after periods of rest or inactivity, including those recovering from accident or illness.

Emotionally, the facility offers an inviting place for people to make friends and enjoy a sense of community.

It is also the choice for many discerning exercisers who believe in the ‘work smart, not hard’ philosophy for exercise.

As with all forms of exercise, if it has been some time since you have been physically active we recommend you get the thumbs up from your doctor first.

What are the benefits of the toning suite circuit and the power assisted exercise equipment?

The health benefits of power assisted exercise has long been known and used by the medical and rehabilitation profession. Toning equipment is recognised for its weight and inch loss benefits.

Potential physical benefits include:

  • Improved general fitness
  • Toning of the muscles
  • Stronger core supporting good posture
  • Better circulation

“Isn’t this something that came and went in the eighties?”

Far from it. Toning facilities are flourishing in the UK, and around the world, as people are now living longer than ever before with more awareness of the need to exercise to maintain their health and fitness.

Where did it come from?

‘Power assisted exercise’ actually originated back in the 1930’s when it was developed to help Polio sufferers maintain muscle mass lost through lack of activity. Exercisers also saw results in improved muscle tone, strength, better circulation and agility. Toning Tables hit the headlines in the 1980’s when users reported amazing results in weight and inch loss spawning something of an exercise phenomenon! The failure of Toning facilities in the 80’s was caused by the inappropriate settings in which it found itself, such as hairdressers and beauty salons, with unqualified staff offering little valid guidance. Now, having taken it’s rightful place in the setting of local leisure centres, the modern day Toning suite is thriving bolstered by fully qualified staff and  equipment.

It also provides physical relaxation by re-training the muscles, relieving stress on the joints and muscles.

Top Toner of the Month

Read Anne William's story about how by using the Toning Suite at Bridgend Life Centre regularly helped her to be active and mobile here.